Experience the magic of country blues with Andy Reiss. Let yourself be carried away by impressive melodies and soulful lyrics.
An album marked by the experiences and emotions of a passionate artist.
Actually a concept album as proof of songwriting.
Just reach out to my album on one of your favorite streaming platforms.
Collaborating with other talented musicians and producers to create unique songs.
Often a light philosophy that scratches right below the surface, paired with the typical Black Forrest humor - where a unique term exists for this positive thinking, called "gnitz" (kinda sly) - is Andys figurehead in songwriting.
35 years ago I started as a singer songwriter but somehow stucked then as a drummer in a Rock'n'Roll-Band - haha: Odd, but true.
More or less by accident I visited Nashville & Memphis in April 2024 - and what to say: I was so deeply touched by these two music capitals with its music energy!
And in addition to that I joined the live radio show at "Grand Ole Opry" and I was immediately inspired, impressed, even lost in a deep dive of emotion. It was "wow"! Even my goosbump had a goosbump!
Next days something I decided to make a short roadtrip to Memphis as well, and same thing happened.
I was not controling my inspiration any more, so my destiny decided to write a debut album.
Tons of thoughts were fluffing in my mind and in only a few months I was able to create it. Unbelievable.
Bam! That's all. I made it. Of course, with some help from some other freaky folks around the globe - like Tom in Argentina, Chris in Belgium, Jeff in British Columbia, and Robb in Tennessee. Great collaboration! My appreciation.
And finally I would like to say my biggest thanks to my wife, who always supports me in everything I do - so she does here as well! Thanks my love!
Now guys, listen and decide:
enjoy and share with your friends - or dislike and share with your enemies.
But please, in any case be simply so kind enough to spread it to the world outside.
Maximum appreciation for that!
Cheers, Andy
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